Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Sixth Birthday

Today I turned six! We celebrated my birthday at home. My sister Hana gave me a Bratz. My mom and dad gave me a DS game. Then we went to a studio and took some photos.

My parents brought my birthday cake to my school. I gave one piece of cake to each of my friends, but none of them brought me a present ;) Here is a picture we took together at the class.

You can see the rest of my birthday pictures at this album.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My First Computer Program

Last week I wrote my first Computer program in Logo. I used a turtle to make shapes like triangle, square, and circle. The turtle understand commands like going forward and backward, and turning right and left. For example, to draw a square you can use the following commands:

forward 50
right 90
forward 50
right 90
forward 50
right 90
forward 50
right 90

and this is what turtle draws for you: